Greenlink Club
Greenlink Club

NJC Greenlink is a CCA that focuses on advocating for environmental conservation and inculcating green conscience in both the College and the community beyond. Over the years, Greenlink has successfully organised many large-scale College and community events, influencing students to start their own green initiatives beyond the NJC community.
Greenlink has three main wings that address different environmental concerns; the biodiversity wing focused on gardening and wildlife conservation, the waste management wing focused on vermicomposting, and the waste minimisation wing focused on recycling. As a platform for leadership development, each of the wings provide students with opportunities to develop their leadership competencies, through planning and executing initiatives that align with their passion and interests. One such initiative under the waste minimization wing would be the annual Say No! To Disposables campaign, spearheaded by our members who lead the Green advocates of each JH class to encourage students to reduce their use of single-use plastics through various school wide challenges.
Beyond the College, Greenlink spreads the message of environmental conservation through community initiatives such as our signature vermicomposting programme, where our members conduct vermicomposting workshops for schools in Singapore and for the general public to guide them in creating their own vermicomposting kit, allowing them to reduce food waste and generate natural fertilisers in their own homes. For our efforts in developing environmental consciousness within the College and beyond, Greenlink has been awarded the Outstanding Environmental Outreach Projects Award at the School Green Awards for three consecutive years from 2017 to 2019. This is the highest recognition given to schools to recognise their efforts in reaching out to the community to spread positive environmental impact. Our club’s work is two-fold: education and action; and its reach is also two-fold: within NJC and the community beyond.