Indian Dance
Indian Dance

Indian Dance is a community that prides itself in injecting passion and energy into our performances. We aim to expose students to the beautiful art of dance, which serves to bring out the best in each member. We take pride in our performances and have consistently be successful. We are a vibrant CCA with dancers from various ethnic groups. Through this, we have formed a multicultural CCA despite our namesake.
We train in various dance forms including classical and folk, thus training ourselves to be versatile in the field of dance. We aim to develop each member to their fullest potential through our dance practices and enrichment activities. We have incorporated the various aspects into our CCA to enrich each dancer in a multitude of ways namely wth enrichment programmes, Community Involvement Pogrammes as well as performing in major events within and outside of school.
We firmly believe what is most important is the camaraderie and team spirit of Indian Dance, the driving force for our sustained excellence. With the strong pillar of support from our fellow dancers and teachers, we will continue to work hard and strive onward.