String Orchestra
String Orchestra

The National Junior College String Orchestra’s dual mottos, “Passion and Family” and “Legacy and Vision”, perfectly describe our dedication to nurturing a passion for music making in a closely bonded community of string lovers.
The String Orchestra, comprising students from JH1 to SH2, has performed in Vienna and Hong Kong, as well as in some of Singapore’s major arts venues. We collaborate regularly with the College’s other Performing Arts groups and have had the privilege of performing for various events both within College and externally. We have been organising the College’s annual Talentime since its inception in the mid-1980s, and our highly-anticipated annual concert Muse-ique”has been consistently performed to a full house at the Esplanade Recital Studio.
We are committed to building on the accomplishments of the past while forging ahead in breaking new ground. One of the College’s oldest performing arts CCAs, we strive to stay relevant by complementing live performances with digital production. A customised “Enrich, Enhance, Engage” initiative continues to offer opportunities for our members to appreciate world-class performances, as well as attend enrichment programmes and masterclasses to inspire and build capacity.
“Passion and Family
Legacy and Vision”