Malay Cultural Society
Malay Cultural Society

Malay Cultural Society (MCS), previously known as MLDDS aims to instill a deeper understanding of the Malay culture to others while aiming to strengthen ties between members as well as a platform to actively serve the College with honour.
MCS organises 3T, an annual nationwide inter-school competition for secondary schools. It aims to encourage the younger generation to be effectively bilingual, and highlights the importance of translation in society. All members will be involved in the planning, consolidating resources and liaising with external organisations too. Another yearly major event is the Hari Raya Celebration (HRC). The HRC enables members to reach out to JH and SH students to come together in promoting the Malay culture particularly in educating fellow NJCians on the significance and celebrating the festival with the college community. This allows our members to develop a stronger sense of appreciation for the Malay culture in addition to honing skills such as collaboration, leadership and communication. Members also have the opportunity to visit theatres, attend seminars, dialogue sessions, and represent school in competitions or other enrichment activities.
_“Taat pada budaya, Berbakti pada”